Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Raw 3-17-2008

Thanks to Triple Threat Takeover rules, Triple H pitted his WrestleMania opponents, John Cena & Randy Orton, against the entire Raw roster. During the match, the two adversaries were forced to work together to eliminate Paul Burchill, Snitsky and Trevor Murdoch among others, before the rest of the roster charged over the ropes, disqualifying themselves and handing Cena & Orton the match. It didn’t end there, though. Triple H had his say, too, when he entered the ring and Pedigreed his WrestleMania competition, standing over their spent bodies with a look of satisfaction

Credit: WWE.com

Caps: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Video: Backstage
Cena & Orton vs. Raw Roster

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